Salutations Reader,
This article is to clarify that Mega Toys Set 3 & 4 are based on the theme: GOODIES VS BADDIES. Yet, as I will always respond; It all depends on your point of view in the actual who’s who?
Before getting into the difficult stuff, let us first have a look behind the screens. Toys Set 3 & 4 were made as Patron Rewards for Big Daddy benefactors. Also in this production run, the emphasis is on the Toy Packs as an art form. Using other mediums as Promotional Material for the baby hype, dates back to the early days when we referred to our Acrylics on Canvas as Bill Boards. Another thing I always used to say is that ‘one’ day; I will be making Life Size Baby Toys & Packaging Designs that are museum worthy!
But for now; Acquiring one of these 1:8 Scale Models is an investment in future Toy Development.

Back to more intricate matters and ethics: Age old tradition tends to place those in service of ORDER in the Heroes column and agents of CHAOS juxtaposed as Rogues. We can categorize and label products any which way we want? But when they become Electronic Entities; Moral Cross Contamination or Pollination is bound to happen among the Game Clones.
The preset configuration of the Game Clones are:
Soldiers are Atomic Baby Clones (Registered Users)
*Official Army Issued Battle Clones By The Game Gods Themselves.
Outlaws are Gods Vicious Babies (Unregistered Users)
*Illegal Gained Copies Or Constructions Of Assembled Body Parts.
Please pardon me for limiting this Story Line to a ‘Teaser’ at this point; For I fear to pursue this plot any further would need much more disk space than I can afford at the moment… More about the Story Design will be revealed in due time. What I can divulge is that when these ‘polarized parties’ are ‘bound and bond’ together in the battle against the Demonic RAM Raiders? The defensive measures in the Mega War of 2520 will be an unseen mixture of Terror & Tactics!
Rather, let us retract our gaze by laying our eyes on the here and now: There are 16 Toy Boxes reserved in the War Room for Heavy Collectors! This Toy Package design is ‘Limited’ to these Two Series; Containing handcrafted or casted Baby Toys by pouring toxic shit into a mold, like it were solidified liquid Gold! The packaging design has already evolved into fabrication of the next Toy Sets, currently under construction: Duo-Packs & Tag-Teams!

See The Making-Of: Toy-Series_B On
View the Baby Toys in these two Toy Sets below: