Salutations Reader,
The Card Game is at the top of the umbrella and in a way the ‘Heart & Soul’ of all Star Arena Games! Needlessly to say, when you play; You need to know what to watch for on your Game Cards. This section will point out the key components of the: Hardware Card Anatomy.
You can call them whatever you want… The point is; These type cards contain a ‘Character’ that you can play and operate in card combat. The one thing you should take away from this is; Hardware Cards have ‘Dual Hard Drives’ and show ‘Download Capacity’ and ‘Battle Values!’
NOTE: The usage of ‘Hardware’ & ‘Software’ is Archaic and stems from the original game in 1995. With the evolution of technology as it is today, you would call them; ‘Devices’ & ‘Applications’. Your Hero Cards (Hardware) are Devices. These can store and execute Battle Options (Software) to help you further advance in card combat the same way as Apps.
An Abridged Card History.
As mentioned above, the first steps towards making The Card Game started in 1995 as a pet project of the graphic design studio we used to run. Till 1997 our Card Combat structure remained nameless and had a different look. Once we added the Arena Game Board, the Game got its Name: Star Arena! With it came card expansions in the form of multiple characters, collectively called ‘Champions & Challengers!’
Due to the proportions of these new Heroes & Outlaws, a redesign was done to the Character Cards to better fit their volume. And from this point onward; The Game Cards received and maintained their signature ‘L Shape’ lay out. The basic design has remained unchanged ever since! Although revisions have been made over the years. These were mainly color corrections and better balancing out the battle values. Significant production periods on the game cards were from 1997 to 1999 and from 2002 to 2004.
After having revived the game project from collecting dust and being dormant for many years; A crispy clean revision of the design documents and templates was done in the period of 2015 to 2017, to streamline production process, while preparing for some explosive expansions!
‘Cometh’ 2020; “The third and last revision implemented to the Hardware Card Anatomy!!”

The ‘Battle Class’ of the displayed Character is shown in the Top Left Corner of a Game Card. What this tells you is what ‘Clone Type’ the Character and/or Avatar represents. Battle Classes come with preset strengths and weaknesses, or skills and abilities.
StarArena Game Cards will combine with StarArena Minis on future Battle Maps!
What can I say; Best Start Collecting Today!!
Next: Software Cards