LIFE 3.0
Prelude Salutations, something different for a change and to do this properly I feel the need to go back, way back. If I am considered the Father of the Atomic Baby Clones, the title of Grand Father goes to Mark […]
Prelude Salutations, something different for a change and to do this properly I feel the need to go back, way back. If I am considered the Father of the Atomic Baby Clones, the title of Grand Father goes to Mark […]
Salutations Reader,This article is an attempt of demystification of the StarArena® Back Stories. In various corners of the internet you can come across the soundbite made by your humble narrator; “The Dream Is To Quit Carpentry.” Which could give you […]
Salutations Reader, All the previous Arcade Maps, from Shogi to Arcade Adventures, are mere experiments, tests and trials that lead up to our most prestigious Mega War Game. In short, the early Pilot Projects serve as Proof Of Concept that […]
Salutations Reader,The Arcade is simply a Synonym for the StarArena_Metaverse. Myth tells us; The Arcade used to be one of many entertainment centers through the centuries and is now believed to be the last of its kind and serves as […]
The Story Behind The Modem. The images below are reused from an earlier article: Where To Start Game? But since they tell the story so well, they now serve as visual aid to Modems Explained to a six year old! […]
Operating A Battle Clone Made Easy! Salutations Reader, this will be the last in a series of Concept Artwork reviews by your humble narrator and creator of the Star Arena. This time around, we will be getting into: “The Evolution […]
WAR-CRAFT AS AN ART-FORM… Salutations Reader, On Old Earth this training method is for the Arcane, but in the StarArena_Arcade: ‘Senjutsu, (戦術) The Art Of War’ is treasured and revered as a form of magnificence and the ultimate gift of […]
DO WE HAVE BATTLE-LEAGUES? Salutations Reader, The answer is; Yes We Do!! Here follows another review of Concept Artwork by your humble narrator and creator of the Star Arena. In an earlier article about the Inner Workings of the Atomic […]
Military-Ranks & Insignias In The Arcade. Salutations Reader, This article is about; “How to Climb the Ranks and Become A God amongst Babies.” First, let me, your humble narrator; Frame The Setting Once More. The StarArena_MetaVerse is a ‘Virtual World’ […]
#AtomicBabyClones: Army-Divisions & Types. Salutations Readers, Meet The Arcadean Army Infantry! Here is another ‘Review’ for you to enjoy, while I fill up the new website with content and check my old notes one more time, before immersing myself into […]
© 2025 'Star Arena' is a Registered Trademark ® of PJay_BabyAngel_Frith. All 'works' are under Copyright 1990 ~ 2020 and may not be used without 'written-consent' by the creator.