Salutations Reader, this is a call to action, inviting you to join the mission, so that you don’t miss out on any Cyber Fiction Adventures and Escapades of the battle ready #AtomicBabyClones!
This post is to pronounce my vocation and take away any doubt as to my intentions for the remainder of my days as an earth walker and I am able to hold a pencil in my hand! This ‘Sandbox’ named ‘Star Arena’ has been purposely created for my ‘Trademark Characters’ to play and partake in the one thing I love to write & draw; War Stories! In other words… “This Is What I Do!”


Reboot of StarArena
The dream is to quit carpentry, because in contrast to the _almost_ indestructible War Babies I draw; My body is worn down from working too much or too many hours. When I reached the milestone of age Forty; “I hit a nerve and managed to render both my upper upper limbs useless, by overexertion on the work floor. Resulting in months of confinement to quarters and inadequate painkillers”. To sum it up: A Dark Period! One that made me face my mortality and question my ambitions in life. When feeling and function slowly returned to my arms, so began the road of rehabilitation. Unable to do a days work of carpentry and at home; I got reacquainted with a lost love and started drawing again.
To keep myself busy, I dusted of an old project and decided to rebuild the StarArena. Got back into training my pencil agility on a regular basis and tried to improve on my writing skills. Which has always been a personal hurdle I tripped over many a time before, while redesigning all the Graphic Documents and resurrecting the website that we now call the Card Factory!
What needs to be mentioned and underlined at this point is, from day one, these packets of fun; The online Booster Packs have been the goal to see through and have produced! At this point in time the Card Factory contains in the low hundreds of game cards.
The ambition is to keep adding well into the number and quantity of thousands of free game cards. Mind you; By then, good luck finding that one specific card you are looking for?

After spending my spare time on endless theories and low cost experiments, it became time to make the ideas tangible. And so began a five year period of investments into the research and development of the various Star Arena Games this platform has to offer. All the items I have crafted during this time are coined: Pre-Production Prototypes.
Simply because they are: NOT made in China! All items are individually fabricated and/or assembled here in the War Room by your humble Game Smith. Not that the theoretical aspect stops entirely during these artistic experiments. If anything; You continuously keep revising your design documents until you get the recipe just right! This phase is all about: Getting Ready For Production!
Which it now is, …by the way! But all this did cost a pretty penny. I will refrain from mentioning the invested amount in actual numbers. But I can tell you; One could buy a high performance muscle car in comparison of the total merchandise I am surrounded with in the game studio, if that is your thing? My hangup or hobby is; War Games, the price of entrepreneurship I suppose?
The point I want to bring across: “Buying one of the Limited Edition Collectibles will free up invested funds and help further game development!”

Here we get to the core and more!
Still funded by Carpentry and worked on in between jobs; A last injection of investments was made!! The year Twenty-Twenty was extremely productive and the final pieces of Game Paraphernalia were added to the Star Arena Arsenal. These added elements are a like a Turbo Charger to the Story Engine and I finally feel freed from the burden of preparation!
Besides all graphic aspects, most undertakings were new to me and contained a learning curve. The only reason why I undertook the hard-problems beforehand; “Is knowing I don’t have the time to do so afterwards and save myself the headaches and stress, come production deadline in the future. I now have all my ingredients and can start cooking with gas like there is no tomorrow!”
Some say it is professional deformation? To me it is common sense; Starting a project poorly prepared will bite you in the ass and end up costing you more than you will earn! Be it financially and emotionally and is a recipe for disaster, rather than success! For I am not in the habit of taking on the next job to fill the previous hole. With that said; It is also time to draw a line in the sand!
From here on out; All efforts go to Comics & Cards.
Something that is relatively cheap, for it will only cost me; Pencil, Paper and Time!
All be it that ‘TIME’ is a rare commodity! If I must continue to earn my Coin with Carpentry?
The Creation of Game Cards will not be as rich and productive as it possibly could be…
If you want to Join The Mission, or wish the Creator well on his conquest?
You can sponsor his ‘TIME’ on the crowdfunding platform:
If you frequently want to see more Artwork like below? Join The Mission And Become A Patron!
Something that is always hard to tell? But, sure as hell; I finally get to focus on War Stories!
People often ask me why don’t I start a Kick-Starter page or project? There is a simple answer to this question:
• The Quick & Dirty Rule of Kick-Starter is that ‘the project’ must be Finished or Completed…
Truth is; I am not finished! If anything; I am only getting started!? The only thing I have finished are the extensive amount of Game Paraphernalia and have taken giant leaps forward into Research & Development of possible future Game Expansions! But the Real Deal of Star Arena Games is installed into the Cyber-Fiction War Stories that I have in store as Web Comics, featuring the Cute & Brute #AtomicBabyClones!
The magic formula is that each published web comic ‘generates’ new game cards!
Those who Join The Mission; Will get Early-Access to both the Comics & Cards before the public!

The Pay-Off…
When the ‘Early-Access’ period for Patrons-Only expires: All Created Cards become publicly available in the online Booster-Pack for anybody who likes to Print & Play! Time for a disclaimer: I am not saying that when all GOALS are met, that all these 400 preview publications are instant high-quality game cards. The purpose of these Patron & Public cards is that they can be tested by players worldwide willing to join the mission.
If I am any good at what I do? And with the help of those whom join the mission; Willing to give feedback on the cards in the community and forums surrounding the StarArena!! I am sure; We can knock out some substantial worthwhile game expansion packs each year!! These then will be made available on platforms such as
Like I mentioned above;
“I Have No Other Ambitions Than Designing & Drawing A ‘Kick-Ass’ Cyber-Battle War-Game!”
My services are as Creator and go as far as; Writing, Drawing, Design and Preparing for Print.
*Distribution, shipping and handling are none of my concern... **Other than Patron-Rewards!

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