Salutations Reader,
What you need to know is that ‘Toy Series’ are cloned from the latest Master Model. Whereas a ‘Toy Set’ is a subcategory and consists of 8 Atomic Baby Clones, being One of each Color or Code! Series are identified ‘Alphabetical’ and the Sets ‘Numerical’. According to lore there are two groups of citizens of The Arcade: The largest group are Registered Users that mainly enter the virtual world as conscripted Soldiers. The second and smaller group that Mega Toys Set 2 represent are the Outlaws and Unregistered Users.
“Soldiers are issued Official Military Clones and Outlaws sport Illegal Commercial Copies”.

Before the Mega War the Soldiers policed The Arcade in search of illegal copies of the Baby Clones. In certain circles the term ‘White & Black’ hats have been ascribed to these two camps and their never ending game of cat and mouse. The Outlaws mainly move around in the grey areas outside the official borders of The Arcade, due to the nature of their Operations. This makes them traders and brokers of the dark web, besides being formidable warriors for centuries.
But, things change when the first ‘Demon Invaders‘ appear in 2430…
While The Arcade is placed under siege, many of The Outlaws seek sanctuary inside the StarArena. Their expertise and first account knowledge of the Akuma as explorers of Cyber Space is welcomed. Among them are Gladiators that have fought low and mid level Demon Scum before in the Underground Battle Leagues. Making them invaluable in the fight that is to come. Spectators of these events call them Gods Vicious Babies! By Marshal Decree; The Outlaws are given the status of Privateers in the Battle Royal against Evil Forces.
Once more, the Superficial Differences are Minimal! At this stage it is about pointing out these Two Sets are Conceptual Counterparts. Which should be clear; Once you start Looking Under The Hood and get into the Bio Mechanics of the Game Clones. Besides having alternate Cyber Cores, the customization of Clones can make them more difficult to Operate!
Other than that; Please keep in mind that these are Limited Edition handmade Toys. And I aim to add more details with each New Set & Series in pursuit of the Ultimate Toy: Master Model.

See The Making-Of: Toy-Series_A On
2020: MEGA-TOY_SERIES: B (Index)
1997: MEGA-TOY_SERIES: A (Index)