Salutations Reader,
While working on MEGA TOYS SET 1, your humble narrator was amidst a gigantic Overhaul of the StarArena® Story Engine. Something that had begun in between the First (2002) & Second Edition (2005) of the game boards, which were coincidentally the last years of Studio TBH-Q. No longer was the focus on Three Baby Hooligans and their escapades in the slumber grounds of Amstardom. But rather the story took a more accessible direction were the Few were part of the Many! The ‘Babies’ had become anonymous Game Clones you step into and operate like a tank, roam the Theaters of War, Battle for Glory and make a name for yourself on the scoreboards!
“Just Pick Your Color And Clone Type For Battle!”

When the ‘Babies’ went cyber circa 1995 and became Virtualized War Machines that formed the base of The Card Game; The door slowly opened towards steering the story line into a MMORPG Shooter setting! In a nutshell; The ‘Atomic Baby Clones’ are now ‘Pawns’ in an ‘Emperors’ game.
This project has known several breaks and revisions, at the end of 2005 the Military Structure is established. Another ten years later the Army Divisions have expanded to Eight! Each with their own specific Cards, Color & Code that give them various advantages in Battle. Picking which of the ‘Clone Types’ to Operate, defines how you will experience game play.
“But they all look the same?” Did your mommy never tell you that looks can be deceiving!? …And: “It is what is on the inside that counts!” Each Clone Type has a different Cyber Core that gives them their power!! To help you select a War Baby that best compliments your character, view:
Army Divisions & Clone Types.
Other than that; Please keep in mind that these are Limited Edition handmade Toys. And I aim to add more details with each New Set & Series in pursuit of the Ultimate Toy: Master Model.

See The Making-Of: Toy-Series_A On
Next: Set_02 Outlaws!
1997: MEGA-TOY_SERIES: A (Index)
2020: MEGA-TOY_SERIES: B (Index)