Below are ‘Pre Production_Prototypes’ or ‘Game Gear’ that I have developed over the years for a Battle Game I envisioned on making, dating back to the last decade in the previous century. The term ‘Pre Production’ is there to indicate the desire to one~day see these products on display in Toy & Game stores worldwide and on the Table Tops of Game Gatherings between Friends, Foes and/or Family. The term ‘Prototype’ is there to point out that each of these products are Designed, Fabricated & Assembled by the holder of this Creator Owned Project and can be seen as ‘Works of Art’. Much like a limited edition signed silkscreen by an artist in a gallery; Only Better!
For I prefer to see myself as an Artisan and put in the extra effort. So that you can actually Play A Game with this; Collectible Artwork. I know; “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder”. So I will leave it up to you to judge for yourselves, hope you like.

I looked it up; Far from a world record as the biggest Game Board in existence. But much larger than your regular Table Top Game. Before I proceed, let me provide some context; I claim that this project is 30 Years in the making. Which is not untrue… Just not continuously day in, day out.
There has also been a period where the game remained untouched for years. When I dusted off the Game Documents and Manuals that remained unfinished, significant things had changed in my life. Back when I stuffed everything in boxes, the workweek was still part of an never-ending weekend. And the golden elixir of a genuine BBoy, flowed richly and fueled this eternal youth.
Ten years into the new millennium when I actually had to blow the dust of the Early Editions I unboxed; I was a father, faced mortality and drinking buckets o’ beer had become a waste of my time. In short: Interests and belief systems had changed. Or become more refined and I found the old documents to be messy and a decision needed to be made. If I was to continue work on StarArena, the whole project needed to be rebuilt from the ground up!
This turnover event took place during the Easter weekend of 2010. So everything on this screen has been in the making for the past 10 years and based on earlier work. Dating back to The Card Game (TCG) in development since 1995 and The Arena Game (TAG) that established its foundation in 1997. All be it completely; Renovated and/or Overhauled.
- Game Gear Details: The StarArena MetaVerse

“Be Victorious or be Vanquished on this Strategic Multi Leveled Rotating Tabletop Board Game! As you Battle your way to the Top to gain The Grand Prize of Sanctuary and Take The Coins!!”

This is the ‘Flag Ship’ of all Maps and where the brand name StarArena® came from. According to lore this Game Board depicts the center of the ever expanding MetaVerse and is the Cyber Citadel of this Virtual World. The Arena‘s are created to be highly combustible platforms for Battle Tournaments of The Card Game.
- With a Limited Production run of 44 Portals:
The Black Editions contain ‘Extreme’ Collectible Value. These Game Portals are Hand Stickered on precision cut Poly Vinyl Foam-board. Uniquely Numbered by the Artist and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Made in 2015.
So this Collectible & Playable Artwork is way better than the example given above about a limited edition silkscreen in a gallery, for these Game-Units are Guaranteed Not-Identical Reproductions of Each Other! You would not only acquire a piece of Game History but also sponsor further Game Development if you become a Patron of StarArena for even one cycle and/or support.
- Game Gear Details: StarArena_Classic 2015

Still in pursuit of getting the Game Portal produced for an affordable price, I looked into possibilities of Direct Print _In contrast to the Hand Stickered versions above_ and made an economic decision to order these new batches in white material. These Arena‘s are the next generation of the Table Top sensation and expansion of The Card Game.
- With a Limited Production run of 96 Portals:
The White Editions contain ‘Super’ Collectible Value. These Game Portals are UV Printed on Poly Vinyl Foam-board and precision cut for assembly. Uniquely Numbered by the Artist and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Made in 2017.
Owning a copy of this Collectible & Playable Artwork would make you a StarArena Game Master in your region. With that said; I’m not sure playing this game is the best way to make friends in this world. But you can host Tournaments and have your Frenemies bring their own Card Decks to see Who is the Gunshin!?
- Game Gear Details: StarArena_Classic 2017

Same story as above: Same Game & Same Rules!! Except for a few cosmetic details with the obvious exclusion of the ‘Display Box!’ This ‘Non Playable Box Item’ proved to be a manufacturing monster and costs as much to produce as a Playable Game Board. So a few of the early batches are made available for ‘Gamers on A Budget’ and can be purchased as White Board Only sent to you in an envelope.
Just as long as you don’t use it as a Frisbee when playing with the dog? These Game Portals can take quite a beating! Just throw it in your backpack and you can have Game Tournaments and show everybody who’s the Boss in remote locations of your choosing.

Here we get to ‘The Core’ of the enterprise: The Card Game is the ‘Heart & Soul’ of the StarArena® Game System. Basically; It is the reason why I spent the past decade building the Sand-Boxes that you see above. All I ever wanted was: A Play Ground for my Trademark Characters that first took form on paper in 1990, the War Babies that run rampant in The Arcade, known as the #AtomicBabyClones, and to others better known as #GodsViciousBabies.

After a period of serious setbacks brought on by the Covid Pandemic, your humble narrator is keeping his eyes on the prize. Behind a few dozen big ticket items on the To Do list; Comics & Cards can be seen on the horizon! Having learned the hard way the first time around before the Grand Reform; It is best to have your Game Arsenal complete before publishing stories. This to avoid conceptual contradictions you cant get out of and painting yourself into a corner. *
No worries, these are my problems during production and not yours. Rest assured, when my current docket is empty; The Story Design will be concluded and the road is open for Adventure!
Once the roster is open and primarily filled with ‘Drawing Comic Blocks; Things will get Action Packed and Explosive‘. The Work Flow and/or Formula is simple enough to understand: Creating Comics generates Artwork for new Cyber Cards! *
* Reminder to self; Rewrite last paragraphs when Milestone is reached!

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The Need To Know About: The Card Game
A Little Something About: The Board Game