
Salutations, Reader.
One last update in the Covid-Dairies concerning the fickle nature of this respiratory virus in the aftermath of the Corona-Pandemic. Even though my lungs have had a full check-up and were declared healthy, I can still end-up out of breath. And with that… I mean… For no apparent reason, one moment you are fine, and suddenly you lose all energy, like deflating a balloon. From my own observations, there seems to be an Ebb and Flood effect caused by a malfunction of your reserves. Periodically, Covid-Crashes occur, which feel like a drained battery when you want to start your car and you are going absolutely nowhere. When this Relapse happens, I need to seriously slow down a few gears for the duration of the energy drain. In this phase, the Dog-Vest(s) are too much to handle, revert to low-intensity training and grab the 2.5 kg Dog-Belt.

The Dog-Belt is configured for Scent-Work!

Keep in mind that when you train your dog in a multidisciplinary manner, you need to discern between Brawn & Brains. When we go out with the Dog-Vest and lug around a boatload of weight, we mainly train for Gun-Dog & Brawn. Gun-Dog training is about searching and retrieving, as well as instructing your dog on what to do over great distances. In short; The Dog Follows Commands.

Now Scent-Work is an absolute Brain-Game and the dog needs to figure it out by itself, while you are there to watch the show. In short; As A Handler You Need To Let Go Of Control.

Alternating between these two disciplines improves your dog’s obedience and intelligence and keeps things interesting. With that said, I train my dogs loosely and focus on essence. Even though I value steadiness, I prioritize drive and performance over fancy points!

Anyway, the Scent-Game is Easy!! The dogs already know how to play; You just need to understand how to read the situation and keep them motivated!

Just put something in your pocket, let ’em smell it, go hide it and give the command: Find-It…

But Where Do You Store These Items?

As you can see in the sequence above, over time you collect additional-items to broaden the scope of your training-sessions. I first configured this belt for the Club or Classes and kept in tradition of the Grab And Go principle. Because nothing is more annoying than having a missing tool on the job, so you pack the Essentials and Eventualities. Principle items can be found on the Dog-Vest, but I grab the Belt when I feel the need for Lightweight-Training.

When all is said and done, it is a Pleasure to watch them catch-the-scent and see your dog Work~It! When my Tyrannosaurus-Mouse is in the zone, you’d think she would take-off like a helicopter from her tail-wagging so hard!?

Battle-BeltThe Drop-Leg-Openings
make it exceptionally good
for attaching Leashes.
50 mm.
The key component
to keep leashes attached
to the Main Belt.
25 mm.
Used to attach
the Slip And Slide a/o
Leashes to the Main Belt.
Kong_Tango*I have gotten into
the habit of making
my own Leashes.
Kong_Frog*I have gotten into
the habit of making
my own Leashes.
DOG GEARPatrol-LeashAn Older Converted
and Regular-Leash
on the Right Side.
DOG GEARSafety-SlingA Shorter-Leash
on the Left Side.
DOG GEARTracking-Line3, 5 or 5 meter Leash
used for training (younger)
dogs and/or tracking.
Bite-RollThe Ultimate Toy
to Reward your Dog
for a Job Well Done!
The easy access
pocket that holds
A Special Dog Toy!
KONG (Large)
Teach Dog to *Indicate*
and to Not-Bite or Grab
Medic-PouchConverted for Treats
and Training-Rewards.
The easy access
pocket that holds
A Special Dog Toy!
That very special Toy
the dog is willing to work
for as a reward.
Scent-PouchThe Center-Console
that holds all Essentials
and other Eventualities.
Red-ScentThe most important
ingredient: Red-Kong!
*Diced or Wedges.
*ContainerWhere I keep the
Mini-Scent Wedges!
*For detection
16 cm
Second most important;
If you don’t want to waste time
retrieving scent-wedges!
You are okay with: Tweezers!
But they come in handy when
making custom wedges…
Laser-Tag*On the Wish-List.
To Train: Go-To Cmd.
DOG GEARPocket-LightWhen things get lost,
it is mostly in dark places.
Need I say more?

Here It Is: My Grab And Go Dog-Belt!

When all the above items are collected and assembled, it becomes an invaluable Training-Tool to pass the time pleasurably. Like I said before, not~much exceeds the enjoyment of seeing your dog working the problem and succeeding in her mission!

There is even some space left on the MOLLE system for training-modules that can be attached when needed. For example, this Ball-Pouch is used to teach young dogs the principle of ‘Gimme’ through games before switching to dummies. *Not something I have in the standard configuration.

DOG GEARBall-PouchHolds 3 Balls in total.
Enough for variation
and Basic-Training.
DOG GEARBouncy-BallsOne certain thing
I do not allow my dog is:

Even when a Covid-Crash occurs, we can still go out and train to upkeep our health, stamina and skills. Even when my dog is injured _from a dust-up above her weight-class_ she prefers doing detection above indolence. These high-drive and high-caliber dogs are truly a special breed and are most definitely a cut above the rest. What we all say about our canines, but in our case; Undeniably So Beyond Question And Doubt!

“Dogs and Drawing is what keeps me breathing…”


Next: Tai-Chi Drawing!


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